Thursday, August 6, 2009

No Social Life. That's What Books Are For.

Anybody who knows me know that I am a book addict like there are alchoholics and stoners. You could say that books are like my kinda crack. I could even go to book rehab.

Here are the things I HATE to see ruin books:
1. Cracked Spines
2. Water in and or on it
3. Cracked covers
4. Stains in or outside of it

I really do think you should take care of books because they are special and they open up many doors. Books are always better than the movies, for examle:

1. Twilight. Edward was too nervous and strayed.
2. Because of Winn Dixie. It didn't have much detail and moved too fast.
3. The Shining. It really did no justice to the book and had hardly any of the book's content in it.
4. It. The movie was lame, the book gave you nightmares.

See what I mean? Most movies do o justice to the books whatsoever.

Alright, so leave me a comment in the comment section saying which book is your favorite! Thanks for read, and this was Shannon Cawley!

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