Monday, August 10, 2009

Mainstay, not Mainstays!!!

You know, I've always wanted to know what my future job would be. Now I know. Concord employee.
Well, yesterday, my mom and I went to Mainstay, not Mainstays, to go visit her fellow employees. And then we went to Shoe Carnival and then Sam's Club.
So I woke up, and went to go sit in out blue rocking chair. I sat there for a while and then went back to bed. When I woke up again, my mom was up, smoking a cancer stick. I didn't know how she had the enrgy. She got off work at 3:00 a.m. and got home at four. She drives like and old lady. Slow and really close up to the wheel. But we're not talking about my mother's driving, now are we???
So we talked and then got ready, and went in my mom's limo, and by limo I mean a 2001 silver van, and then we went off.
Larry, my mom's other fellow employee and 21-year-old young enough to be my mom's son and my dad's grandson, called and asked for some breakfast snce he had been at the hotel since three in the morning. I would of been loopy by then, but Larry was a hard worker, so that's good. So then it all started.
When we went in the McDonald's, it was pretty hectic. Only one cash register was open, and then I saw a woman with a grease and food stained shirt. I read her nametag, Debbie. Hmm.
This Debbie person seemed kinda not-so-pleasent. When we went to order our frozen food buffet, we had to repeat out order, oh, maybe 20 TIMES?? She was kinda snippy and snappy.
And then this really fat log cuts in front of us, and by log I mean hungry bear, and by hungry bear, I mean pretty mad man who's hungry.
The man: "My food is cold I want my money back." (says angrily. so ungentlemanlike!!!)
So called Debbie: (ponders and fiddles with the cash register for a meer 2 seconds.) "I'm sorry sir but we are very busy.
The man-bear person thingy fat hungry man: "My food is cold and I want my money back!!!" (repeated his problem. I don't think she's def. He needs a chill-pill.)
Then comes his wife, and then she tells him to sit down and then settles the whole thing out. All the time my mother and I were making our comments and laughing. Drama in a Mickey D's. Next time on Drama Burger.....
So we got our frozen heat-warmed food and went our way, still commenting on the man. Then we got there. I wanted to carry the two bags because it would look like I was there to Darlene and Larry's rescue with the food. But mom insisted that she carry one. Oh well, too bad for sucking up....
When we went in, I met Larry and I ate my hot cakes and sausage at the front desk to keep him company. I know, I am a giver. Darlene wasn't there so we had to wait for her to get her food. I took a little piece of her hash brown and eat it. Yummy!!! Then mom made a HUGE deal out of a tiny little piece of golden hash brown. When Darlene came in, we all laughed about it and then dug into our food.
We went and sat in the breakfast area and I helped Emanuel clean off the tables and I vaccumed. I also mingled with the guests, (since that's what good employees do), and then we had to leave. I didn't want to, but we had to get shoes.
We tried Old Navy. When we were there, these people gave us a look, and I gave them a look back. They were in front of our buggy and didn't even say excuse me. My mom said loud enough so they could hear, "We're in Pennsylvania, honey, and nobody says excuse me." So we tried Shoe Carnival, and when I found etnies and a backpack, I was set for school. Then we went to Sam's to get food and then Wal-Mart to get my other school supplies.
So there we have it. Thanks for reading my blog!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

No Social Life. That's What Books Are For.

Anybody who knows me know that I am a book addict like there are alchoholics and stoners. You could say that books are like my kinda crack. I could even go to book rehab.

Here are the things I HATE to see ruin books:
1. Cracked Spines
2. Water in and or on it
3. Cracked covers
4. Stains in or outside of it

I really do think you should take care of books because they are special and they open up many doors. Books are always better than the movies, for examle:

1. Twilight. Edward was too nervous and strayed.
2. Because of Winn Dixie. It didn't have much detail and moved too fast.
3. The Shining. It really did no justice to the book and had hardly any of the book's content in it.
4. It. The movie was lame, the book gave you nightmares.

See what I mean? Most movies do o justice to the books whatsoever.

Alright, so leave me a comment in the comment section saying which book is your favorite! Thanks for read, and this was Shannon Cawley!

What Do YOU Hate???

We all hate something, whether being fat or eating chimi-chongas, it's something we can't stand to bear. One thing I really hate is those Carl's Junior's Six Dollar Burgers. Here's a Spoof Commefcial from Youtube. It's rated PG for Pretty Gross.

So other than Carl's Junior Six Dollar Puke Boogers, I also don't like Metal Bands like Slipknot and all that other stuff.

I also have a disliking of tattoos.

So tell me in the comment section what YOU hate and then I will pick a winner. There may be a special prize!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Crick, Not Creek. Get Hoopified.

So, let me get this straight for all you non-hoopies out there: it's a crick, not creek. Yeah, Pensylvanians, you've just been hoopified. Deal with it.
So, one day I was at home enjoying a book from my ever-present library. Then I hear a knock on the door, and it was my grandpa. So I let him in.
He sat down on our blue love-seat, and I sat next to him. We made some small talk and then he asked if I wanted to the crick. Of course, when a hoopy has the opportunity to go and get mud in their feet and get soakin wet, you are most likely to say yes. So I did.
So when I went to go to bed, I easily fell into uncounousiness, a dreamless sleep. I went to bed about 11:00, and because of the adrenaline rush mixed with excitement, I woke up at 8:48.
So I woke up wobbily, and first I had to pee. I sat on the toilet and did what I had to do, and since our flusher was broken, I had to take the porcelain lid off and take the blue stick and pull. I washed my hands and went into our small but cozy living room.
I talked to my mom, and asked for some pancakes. She said yes and so she made me my pancakes. She tried to put some syrup on, but I said no, that my job. So I got out the chocolate syrup and drizzled the mini pancakes with that, plus some maple syrup. When I was just about to finish my last pancake, grandpa knocked on the door, and I answered.
"I was just coming over and seeing if you were ready to go." he said. He smiled and went into the living room. My mom and him talked, and I eavesdropped, my proffesion.
So after they were done talking, we went over to my grandparent's house. I was wearing my white Joe Boxer's my grandpa had bought for me the day before, and I was wearing striped pants and a March of Dimes yellow tee that I had gotten for walking for the March of Dimes.
So afer a fiew minutes of talking to my grandma, we headed off to pick up Laura and Hailey, My grandparent's daughter (Laura) and grandaughter (Hailey). I sat in the front, and of course grandpa sat in the driver's seat. Do you think I can drive???
When we got there, Hailey was wearing one of my old shirts and striped pants. We all got in the silver Toyota, Me and Hailey sittin in the back.
"Let's hold hand's all the way there!!!" she squealed. I had known Hailey ever since she came out of the hospital.
So we started out of the drive, and my grandfather stopped to get cigars. Then we were on our way.
It wasn't a long trip, maybe 15-30 minutes. When we got there, the trail was steep, so Hailey had to hold Grandpa's hand, and I just walked slowly.
When we got there, it was beautiful, serene. The water wasn't deep, there were rocks and mud making a sea floor.
My grandpa went to the moving water, and Hailey went to the calm. It was strange, there were water bugs on top of the water, when we tried to catch them, they jetted away. Then we went over to the rapid waters.
I went farther and farther up, while the rapid water was getting stronger. I sat down, and then lay down, in the water. And then it floated me all the way to the bottom. I repeated this many times, and even tried to get Hailey to do it too. She refused.
We sat on big rocks, I caught a minno, grandpa caught a crab, Hailey and I caught some water bugs, and then we played some more.
When it was almost time to leave, Hailey declared she was hungry (and so was I), so when we were coming back, we stopped at Mickey D's and had McDoubles with fries and Cokes. When you're a hoopy and you haven't eaten, than that is a darned good meal.
So I'm done, that was the adventure. And for all you elegant richies out there, you just got pwned, by a hoopy.

The Tweenage Blogger

Yeah, I know exactly what you're thinking, "Oh no, a blog about boys and emotinal garbage and puberty." Well, sorry. I'm not that kind of blogger.
I'm not your average 12-year old. I'm smarter and much more mature than most others. You could call me your middle aged tween. I'm more of a nature girl, I'm not in the hollywood glamour stuff. I'm unique, different. Sassy, outspoken. I say what I want to say, and I don't care what other people think. I'm like the 12-year-old Nancy Grace. I'm from West Virginia, and I am a hoopy, and pretty darned proud.
So join my blog, see what going inside my world of adventures, moms, school, and all the other stuff that I will randomly and non-boringly talk about.